
Commitments And Programs

The National Philoptochos Commitments are adopted by the Chapter delegates at the National Philoptochos Biennial Conventions and approved by His Eminence Archbishop Elpidophoros of America.

Chapters throughout the country support these commitments through various fundraising activities at the local, Metropolis and National levels. These commitments support our mission of helping those in need and perpetuating Orthodox Christian beliefs, history and values.

Total disbursements for the past 25 years (1/1/1994 – 12/31/2019) are listed for each fund. If the fund’s inception occurred after 1994, disbursements since the date of inception are listed.

National Commitments and Programs (Download)
Coupon Book (Download)


Saint Basil Academy – Vasilopita Fund

Total amount disbursed 1998 – 2019: $8,470,443.00

Saint Basil Academy is the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese home for children in need. The Academy provides a loving Christian environment where resident children are nurtured to adulthood. The Vasilopita commitment provides funding for the Academy’s operating expenses.
Commitment Amount: All proceeds of Vasilopita Event

Social Services

Cancer and Other Major Illnesses Fund

Total amount disbursed from 1998 – 2019…

Social Services: $1,904,726.00
Cancer & Other Major Illness Fund:  $1,129,159.34

The Social Services Department of Philoptochos provides outreach, support and financial assistance to those in need. The Cancer and Other Major Illnesses Fund provides financial support to people undergoing treatment for cancer and other critical illnesses.
Commitment Amount: Social Services: $350
Cancer & Other Illnesses Fund Suggested Amount: $250


Autism Assistance Fund

Total amount disbursed 2009 – 2019: $229,757.03

The Autism Assistance Fund provides assistance and support to persons within the Autism spectrum and promotes education to heighten Autism awareness.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter

Saint Photios Shrine

Total amount disbursed 1998 – 2019: $530,000.00

The Saint Photios National Shrine is a living memorial to the first colony of Greek settlers, 400 in all, who came to the New World in 1768. The Shrine honors and serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made by the first colony of Greeks and all the settlers who followed.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter


Orthodox Christian Missions (OCM)

Total amount disbursed 1998 – 2019: $857,931.69

Philoptochos offers financial assistance to Orthodox Christian missionary teams and other international missionary work, strengthening their ability to carry the message of the Orthodox Church throughout the world.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter

Support A Mission Priest

Total amount disbursed 1998 – 2018: $685,000.00

This commitment enables Orthodox bishops and priests in mission areas to build and restore churches, community centers, schools and medical facilities, and to participate in training, teaching and field management.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter

Hellenic College Holy Cross – Lenten Event

Total amount disbursed 1998 – 2019: $1,613,258.00

On the third Sunday of Lent, when the Veneration of the Holy Cross is observed, Philoptochos chapters sponsor a Lenten Event following the Divine Liturgy. Proceeds of this event go towards the operating expenses of the school.
Commitment Amount: Proceeds of the Lenten Event


Saint Basil Academy – Sisterhood Fund

Total amount disbursed 1998 – 2019: $810,314.86

The Sisterhood of Saint Basil Academy Fund provides for the day-to-day needs of the children who have made Saint Basil Academy home, including clothing, furnishings, equipment and other essentials for dormitories, graduation, awards and gifts.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter

International Orthodox Christian Charities (IOCC)

Total amount disbursed 1998 – 2018: $798,662.00

IOCC, in the spirit of Christ’s love, offers emergency relief and development programs to those in need world-wide, without discrimination, to enable them to continue to improve their own lives and communities and to have means to live with dignity, respect and hope.The mission and focus of IOCC, of helping those in great need, is deeply aligned with the work of Philoptochos.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter


75th Anniversary Founders Fund

Total amount disbursed 2007 – 2019: $314,449.01

The 75th Anniversary Founders Fund provides support to Greek Orthodox older adults and their families. In addition, the Fund offers financial support to long-term care facilities serving aging Greek Orthodox individuals throughout the United States and may support the establishment of similar facilities or special projects dealing with aging.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter

Orthodox Christian Fellowship (OCF)

Total amount disbursed 2009 – 2019: $233,400.00

Orthodox Christian Fellowship is the official campus ministry program under the Assembly of Canonical Orthodox Bishops of the United States. It keeps Orthodox students connected to Christ and His Church during their college years.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter


Hellenic College Holy Cross Scholarship Fund

Total amount disbursed 1998 – 2019: $2,002,875.25

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross commitment provides tuition scholarships to worthy and dedicated students, both men and women at Hellenic College and seminarians at Holy Cross, to assist with tuition expenses.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter

Retired Clergy and Widowed Presvyteres Benevolent Fund (RCA)

Total amount disbursed 2005 – 2019: $564,000.00

Provides financial support to retired clergy and widowed presvyteres. Philoptochos funds also provide short-term support for clergy and their families in time of crisis, responding to critical needs such as uncovered medical expenses, rent, utilities, and insurance.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter


National Philoptochos Emergency Fund

Total amount disbursed 2007 – 2019: $520,100.00

Enables Philoptochos to respond immediately to national and international disasters.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter


Ecumenical Patriarchate

Total amount disbursed 1998 – 2019: $2,646,391.00

The collection on the Feast Day of Saints Cosmas and Damianos benefits the philanthropic programs and charities of the Ecumenical Patriarchate.
Commitment Amount:Tray Collection plus $100 from Chapter Treasury

Archdiocesan Presbyters Council and National Sisterhood of Presvyteres (APC-NSP) Joint Benevolent Fund

Total amount disbursed 2005 – 2019: $454,611.53

The purpose of the Philoptochos APC-NSP Joint Benevolent Fund is to provide short-term support to clergy and their families in times of crisis.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter


United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund (UNICEF)

Total amount disbursed 1998 – 2018: $539,600.00

Philoptochos’ donations help UNICEF protect the rights, health and well-being of children worldwide.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter

General Medical Fund

Total amount disbursed 2005 – 2018: $338,005.78

The General Medical Fund provides financial assistance to adults afflicted with medical conditions which are outside the scope of other restricted funds. It also, in some cases, provides grants to organizations who care for Greek Orthodox individuals.
Commitment Amount: Determined by Chapter